[ Our Vision]
The organization is taking steps to gradually extend this mission throughout India. This scheme has already become operational in eight states, where the GMI is functioning. The vision of the GMI is to implement this programme before 2020 in all the states in India through N.G.Os and similar agencies irrespective of any caste, creed or religion.
[ Our Mission ]
Grace Ministries of India (GMI) is a registered nongovernmental organisation (NGO) functioning in sixteen states of India since more than 30 years. It has multi-faceted activities for the upliftment of the poor, marginalized, oppressed and deprived society in the nation. GMI is headed by an Executive Board of 21 members elected from the General Body in its tenure. Dr. D.J. Ajithkumar is the founder President of the organization.
GMI is engaged in giving education and health facility to the rural mass of our country. They are as follows:
- Gurukulam Vidya Peetam
- Free Computer Training
- Free Tailoring School
- Elim Medical Aid
- Manna Food
- Rehoboth Drinking Water
- Happy Family Mission
1. Gurukulam Vidya Peetam
Free tuition centers have been opened for the less privileged and downtrodden section of children in villages. The main objective of this project is to give improved access to qualitative education for the slow and sluggish children. Most of the youths in the rural areas, without getting proper encouragement and guidance in respect of their studies, often cut short their learning in the middle of the high school education. Some of these dropouts usually take to drinking alcohol, smoking, using drugs and becoming depressed in their life. In order to curb these social evils, we attach much importance to give them personal care and guidance in their studies even in the grass-root level. Gurukulam Vidya Peetam is a full-fledged tuition centre functioning with a requisite number of staff (about 12) for about 100 students from primary to secondary levels in different states of India. The children attend in two sessions-mornings and evenings. Apart from giving free education, uniforms, books, stationery items are also provided free.
2. Free Computer Training
This is a free computer training programme started for the empowerment of economically backward girls and house wives. Arrangements are done for their proper placement for the candidates those who successfully complete their training.
3. Free Tailoring School
This is a one year tailoring training was started out of a deep concern for the plight of the unemployed girls and poverty stricken housewives. This course was intended entirely for the economically weaker sections of the society as it was made free from payment. After the training, proper follow-up is being carried out for their self support and empowerment. This programme has been conducted in GMI stations in Kerala, Tamilnadu, Maharashtra, Madhyapradesh and West Bengal.
4. Elim Medical Aid
In order to deliver preventive, curative and rehabilitative care for the rural population, frequent free medical camps are arranged in the villages of India.
5. Manna Food
Midday meals are provided for the inpatients of the government hospital, Kattakada from the Ashram run by GMI. Similarly there is a free supply of food grains for those who live in below poverty line. More than one hundred poverty-stricken families in and around the Ashram get this benefit every month.
6. Rehoboth Drinking Water
It is a rainwater harvesting programme. To overcome the scarcity of drinking water especially during summer, this programme has been installed at our stations. Here, rainwater is collected in huge water tanks, filtered scientifically and stored in overhead tanks. The people from the neighbourhood areas are also benefited by this programme.
7. Happy Family Mission
This is one of the major activities of GMI. Happy Family Mission is a noble scheme implemented with the vision of supporting a poor family by a happy family and making that family also a happy one. In other words, it is a scheme of helping starving families by providing the latter with necessary food materials at their houses at regular intervals. According to this programme, grocery for food will be supplied to such of the poor families which are not able to earn their daily food for want of any source of income. A happy family takes up the responsibility of providing the required food materials right at the doorstep of a poor family regularly every month. Only such families in which the head of the family is either dead or suffering from diseases will be selected. The supporting families themselves will see that this food materials reach the poor families regularly and systematically. Now (2013) we support 603 families through this programme.
The Method of Working
The Social work after conducting a survey will identify the eligible poor families, who are finding it difficult to sustain their lives for want of food or any means of living. Simultaneously a happy family that is willing to support this poor family will also be located and identified. Thereafter the poor family will be introduced to the supporting family. The helping family will visit the poor family once in a month and make available to them the required food materials for a period of one month. If, for some reason, the food materials cannot be made available for a particular month, the office will be kept informed, and the office will arrange to continue the supply to that family by some other voluntary families. A monitoring committee under the leadership of a co-ordinator will be working on voluntary basis to oversee the smooth working of this mission. The selection of the poor family will be made regardless of any caste, creed or religion.
Visit - The Greatest help
Visiting a poor family is a greater help than providing food or food materials. For a poor family living in utter distress with a feeling that there is no one to look after them or take any interest in their well being, if visited by some other family, that itself will give them much relief, confidence and consolation. It will therefore be important, if a helping family visits the poor family accompanied, if possible, with their children. This will in turn open up avenues for the younger generation of the helping families to understand the sufferings, poverty etc., of the poor people and encourage them to lend a helping hand.
Additional Support
Those who propose to provide help to the poor families in addition to the food materials can very well do so. Items like clothes, learning materials for the education of the children, containers for storing food materials, medicines (for those people who have to use it regularly), small items of furniture, etc can also be supplied. This is not compulsory at all.
Monitoring committee
A monitoring committee functions under the co-ordinator for the smooth and efficient functioning of the HAFAM. The benefactors as well as the beneficiaries can contact the members of the committee as well as the co-ordinator whenever necessary.