- Started Year:
- Founder:
- Aim: ‘Living water in the Indian cup’.
A Word to the guests
The Kristukripa Ashram is a spiritual heritage centre of simplicity, silence and labor. Therefore, all guests are expected to observe the rules and regulations of the Ashram. Use of mobile phones is not permissible inside the worship places and in the meditation room. Speaking loudly and shouting are absolutely restricted in Ashram premises. Ashram premises is declared as ‘plastic free area’. Donations will be accepted for the various activities and programs of the Ashram. Prior permission should be sought for those who want to stay and participate in the Ashram programs. Pure vegetarian meals will be served in the Oottupura. All the programs and services of the Ashram are free for all.
Relationship with the Church
Though members of different churches are in the Ashram community, this Ashram works in relationship with the Board for Mission and Evangelism of the CSI South Kerala Diocese.
- To prepare a space for those who like to pray, meditate, to spend quality time in solitude and for spiritual rejuvenation.
- To share the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, the Guru of the Ashram to the people of various status of social and educational levels - ‘Giving living water in Indian cup’.
- To emancipate people of lower social and economic status through the socio-economic schemes and vocational training programmes.
- To nurture a healthy relationship with people of all other ideologies and religious thoughts through the study of other religions and to conduct interfaith dialogues, seminars and conferences.
- To introduce and adopt indigenous and Indianized spiritual worship which will open new ways for research and re-read the Indian Christian Theology.
- To conduct Sat-Sanghs inside and outside the Ashram.
- To observe the three main dharmas of the ashramas namely self study (swathyaya), meditation (dhyana), and bread labor (karma).
- To train people to live a simple lifestyle since Christian spirituality is a spirituality of simplicity.
- To help the inmates and visitors to understand the value of work - ventures in agriculture, dairy and poultry etc.
- To practice common kitchen and vegetarian food.
- To encourage to follow the timetable to help people to learn the stewardship of time.
- To attain equality and unity.
Aims and Objectives of Kristukripa Ashram,
[ About the Founder : Rev. Dr. D.J. Ajith Kumar ]
The Kristukripa Ashram was started in the year 1993 by the Rev. Dr.D.J. Ajith Kumar with the aim to give the ‘Living water in the Indian cup’. The main message of this Ashram is 'spirituality beyond religiosity' by adopting the Indian culture, spirituality and moral values. Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavanthu (let the whole world enjoy well being) is the prayer of this Ashram. There is no 'god-men' or 'god-women' in this Ashram. Christ is the Guru of this Ashram. Here we familiarize the life and teachings of Jesus Christ which is a practical model that cannot be limited by the boundaries of the world religions including even Christianity.
This Ashram is a solitude space for those who wish to spend quality time in prayer, meditation, self study, silence, yoga and spiritual rejuvenation. The Kristukripa Ashram conducts inter - religious dialogues, seminars and conferences to study other religions and prepares a forum to discuss and relate to other religious faith.
This Ashram introduces Indianized Christian worship and includes regional worship methodologies to arrange for researches in Indian Christian Theology and its rereading. There are three major dharmas here - namely Swaya Adhyaya (Self study), Dhyanam (Meditation) and Karma (bread labor). Since Christian Spirituality is simplicity, simple life style is practiced here. A common kitchen and simple vegetarian meal are the specialities of the Ashram. We try to establish equality and unity among all. Those who are at the low ebbs of economic order are being lifted up through vocational trainings and other social welfare schemes.
The constituting of the Kristukripa Ashram materialized in 1993 at Kattakkada as the long cherished vision of the Rev.Dr.D.J. Ajith Kumar to start a spiritual heritage centre beyond religiosity by adopting Indian culture and philosophy, as he had great interest in social and Christian spiritual activities from his childhood.
After his Engineering studies (BTech Civil) he has done Bachelor of Christian studies (BCS) from the Senate of Serampore and the Master degree in Theology (MTh) from the University of Wales (UK). He also did his Master’s Degree (M.A) and Master of Philosophy (M.Phil) in Sociology from the Annamalai University. Then, he did his Doctoral studies (Ph.D) in Sociology on ‘Education and Tribal Development’ in Annamalai University. He has secured a post graduate degree in Yoga (MSc) and Teacher Training (PGD & TTC) from the Yoga International Alliance (New Delhi). He also did Diploma in Budhism from the Mahabodhi Academy of Pali & Buddhist Studies in Bangalore.
Apart from the spiritual activities, he had also presented many research papers in various National and International seminars and conferences in the discipline of Sociology. He is a life member of Indian Sociological Society (ISS), New Delhi and Indian Academy of Social Sciences (IASS), Allahabad. The Rev. Dr. D.J. Ajith Kumar has been in spiritual service since more than 30 years, preaching and teaching in India and abroad. He is an ordained Presbyter in the CNI presently working as the Director & Secretary of Stewardship Committee of the Diocese of Phulbani, Church of North India (CNI) and as the Director of the Ashram Ministry of the CSI South Kerala Diocese.
[ Ashram Activities ]
1. Sath-Sanghs
Sath-Sangh is a regular program of the Ashram. The meaning of Sat-Sangh is the 'Fellowship of Truth'. Thousands of people attend the meetings on the second Saturdays and are blessed with spiritual experiences. They all disperse after a fellowship meal at the Ashram. Sat-Sanghs are also being arranged in the North Indian States with the joint venture of the Mobile Tent Ministry Team.
2. Social Welfare Schemes
The free educational courses like vocational training in Lydia Tailoring School and Gratia Computer Training Centre are being conducted. Everyday, the mid – day meal for the patients at the near by hospital is being supplied freely. Through free medical camps, Elim Medical Aid takes the mobile hospital to the villages for palliative care and medicinal distribution.
3. Happy Family Mission (HAFAM)
It is a noble scheme implemented with the vision of adoption of a suffering family by a happy family and making it a happy one. In other words, it is a scheme of helping the starving families by providing them with necessary food materials at their houses every month. In this programme, adequate amount of grocery items will be provided to those families who cannot eke out their living for some genuine reasons; that is to say, the bread – winner of the family is either dead or becomes invalid. The supporting families would see that the food materials should reach the beneficiaries regularly and systematically. Apart from providing foodstuff, items like clothes, medicines, small items of furniture, materials for the children’s education and so on would also be supplied by those who are willing to do so. A monitoring committee will function under the co-ordinator for the smooth and efficient functioning of the Hafam.
The beneficiaries of the mission can contact the members of the committee as well as the co-ordinator whenever necessary. This way at present (2016), 751 families are being supported.
4. Meditation and Yoga
Meditation, yoga, trainings (short and long terms), interfaith dialogues, seminars and counseling are some of the important programs of the Ashram. Missionaries who would like to study other religions and work in the mission fields are also allowed to stay and study Indian religions and India Christian Theology.
5. Ziegenbalg Theological Seminary (Zietheos)
Ziegenbalg Theological Seminary (Zietheos) is a centre for Distance Education in Theology. The Zietheos gives courses like B.CS, Dip.C.S, under Senate of the Serampore and CBS (Certificate in Biblical Studies). Rev. Bartholomaus Ziegenbalg is the first protestant missionary in India. The first seminary in India was started by his initiative.
6. Publications
The monthly magazine named Sat-Sangh is published every month. Christian books, CDs and DVDs containing the messages and songs are also in publication.
7. 24 hour Prayer
Prayer teams are being arranged to pray for the prayer requests received on a 24X7 basis.
8. Sauhrudam
Sauhrudam is a sharing programme of used dresses which are useful for others. The used dresses are kept in the proposed place and the needy people collect the dresses from there. Sauhrudam means Friendship.
9. Gnanapuri Library
The Ashram campus houses a library with more than 2000 volume of books. Gnanapuri library is the collection of spiritual and intellectual books. Gnanapuri means Place of Wisdom.
Sadhu Sundher Singh Prarthana Mandapam
A spacious hall with a seating capacity of around 5000 is used for the Sat-Sanghs. This hall has been named as Sadhu Sundher Singh Prarthana Mandapam as a tribute and memory of the famous Indian Christian Sage and Yogi, Sadhu Sundher Singh (1889 – 1929).
This is a meditation room in the Ashram for silent meditation. There is a cross representing the love of God and an ever illuminating lamp at this place. Bodhipeetam means Seat of Enlightenment.
This is an open chapel arranged for prayer and meditation. Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavanthu (let the whole world enjoy well being) is the main prayer of this place. A rugged cross used in its original size is erected here. This cross is viewed as a symbol of love, reconciliation and unity. Thpovanam means Garden for Thapas - intense prayer and meditation.
Tau Cross
There are eight tau crosses erected at the Ashram campus. The Greek Alphabet tau is used in the ancient hand written copies of the New Testament, P66, P45 and P75 as a short symbol for cross (T) in the papyrus. This is called in different names as St. Antony’s Cross, Old Testament Cross, Anticipatory Cross, Egyptian Cross and Cross of St. Francis. This cross is also viewed as a symbol of Aaron and Hur lifting the hands of Moses as found in Ex. 17:11. This cross is also accepted as the symbolic logo of the Franciscan order. In the tau crosses erected in the Ashram, there are seven lamps fixed to represent the church which is the Body of Christ (Rev.1:20). The number ‘eight’ has been taken from the eight ‘I am sayings’ of Jesus Christ in John’s gospel and the eight beatitudes of the Sermon on the Mount of Jesus from Mathew’s gospel (Matt. 5:3-10).
Knowing Jesus
To know more about Jesus Christ, the Guru of this Ashram, eight pictorial explanative bill boards which explain incidents from the birth of Jesus to His second coming are placed. In the same way the views of great men of our nation like Mahatma Gandhi, Swami Vivekananda, Acharya Vinoba Bhave and Raja Ram Mohan Rai about Jesus Christ are also exhibited.
There is a training which lasts for one month in the Ashram in the School of Major Religions and Indian Christian Theology (Smrithy). Subjects like Ashram Ministry, Indian Christian Theology, Major Religions of India, and Yoga and Meditation are taught in Smrithy.
Athmadarsanam ( Insight)
This is a course conducted at the Ashram for a period of 10 days. This programme gives ample facilities to spend time in prayer, study of the Bible, meditation and personal silence for spiritual rejuvenation.
Giving free food is a significant service of the Ashram. All the inmates and the visitors of the Ashram receive timely vegetarian food from the Oottupura. Ooottupura means place of dinning.
Other Ashrams of the Kristukripa Ashram
Shanti Ashram at Nagpur, Maharashtra and Kirupai Ashram at Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu also come under the Kristukripa Ashram, Kattakkada.
Ashram Community
The individuals or families participating in the different ministries of the Ashram, personally and financially are in the Ashram Community. They clearly understand the Origin, History, Objective, Management, Theology and the Mission of the Ashram. They will participate, help and propagate the Ashram wholeheartedly by which share the Gospel to all. They are from all the Churches irrespective of the denominations. People of any age can be in the Ashram Community. Ashram Community will get together frequently at the Ashram and any at place convenient to the members for study, discussion, reflection and fellowship.
Faith of the Ashram
This Ashram is not a place of propaganda of any particular religion. 'Spirituality beyond Religiosity' is the main message of this Ashram. People who belong to any religion irrespective of their caste, creed or gender are welcome here. Here everyone is considered equal and there is no discrimination whatsoever. The Dhyanam (meditation), Jepam (Prayer) and Yoga (union - fellowship) which are held here are free for all. This Ashram believes that there is only one God, the Paramatma the ultimate reality is Everything - the creator, sustainer, destroyer and so on. God had been revealing Himself to this world in various ways and in different times and in these last days, He who incarnated in flesh came to this world as Kristhu. Kristhu (Jesus Christ) is the guru (Teacher) of this Ashram and it is believed that he is the Satguru (Eternal Teacher), Paramaguru (Absolute Teacher) and Jagathguru (Universal Teacher). The faith of this Ashram is that Kristhu is the final and perfect revelation of God, the ultimate reality. A person can attain Moksha (Salvation) by believing in one God the ultimate reality and accepting His final revelation, that is, Kristhu (Jesus Christ). That is, accepting Kristhu as ones personal Saviour and Guru and also by obeying His teachings one by one.
Relationship with the Church
Though members of different churches are in the Ashram community, this Ashram works in relationship with the Board for Mission and Evangelism of the CSI South Kerala Diocese.
A Word to the guests
The Kristukripa Ashram is a spiritual heritage centre of simplicity, silence and labor. Therefore, all guests are expected to observe the rules and regulations of this Ashram. Use of mobile phones is not permissible inside the worship places and in the meditation room. Speaking loudly and shouting are absolutely restricted in Ashram premises. Ashram premises is declared as ‘plastic free area’. Donations will be accepted for the various activities and programs of the Ashram. Prior permission should be sought for those who want to stay and participate in the Ashram programs. Pure vegetarian meals will be served in the Oottupura. All the programs and services of the Ashram are free for all.
How could you participate in the Ashram Ministry?
- Pray daily and regularly for Ashram Ministry
- Join as a member in the Ashram Community
- Sponsor the Ashram Evangelist on a monthly basis
- Become a Swayam Sevak (Volunteer) of the Ashram
- Adopt a family of the HAFAM
- Sponsor the Hospital Food programme
- Sponsor a Sat-Sangh in North India
- Share useful clothes through Sauhrudam
- Sponsor Zietheos programmes.
- Begin a unit of Ashram Community in your place
- Can support any of the Ashram programs
[ Ashram daily Timetable ]
Time | Catogory |
5.00 – 5.30 AM | Personal Prayer |
5.30 – 6.00 AM | Reading of scripture |
6.00 – 7.30 AM | Yoga & Dhyanam |
7.30 – 8.30 AM | Mahaprasada Sadhana (Holy Communion) |
8.30 – 9.00 AM | Giovanni Rovelli |
7.30 – 8.30 AM | Breakfast |
9.00 – 9.30 AM | Preparation Prayer |
9.30 – 11.00 AM | Work |
11.00 – 11.15 AM | Tea Break |
11.15 – 1.00 PM | Work |
1.00 – 1.30 PM | Lunch |
1.30 – 2.00 PM | Rest |
2.00 – 2.15 PM | Prayer |
2.15 – 4.00 PM | Tea Break |
4.15 – 5.30 PM | Work |
5.30 – 7.00 PM | Washing, Study, Reading (Dehasudhi, Manasudhi, Athmasudhi). |
7.00 – 7.30 PM | Evening prayer, Meditation. |
7.30 – 8.30 PM | Sat-Sangh |
8.30 – 9.00 PM | Dinner |
9.00 - | Prayer |
[ Address For Communication ]
Kristukripa Ashram
Kattakkada, Thiruvananthapuram – 695 572
Email : [email protected]
Website : www.kristhukripaashramam.com
Ph: 0471 – 2291473, 2290473, 2120473, 2311439
[ Ashram Gallery ]